My mom has been a seamstress for over 30 years. That is a lot of years to accumulate a lot of STUFF. And in the last 10 years she has gotten into quilting which is a whole other ball game. While she was raising 7 kids in the house she got what could be termed a "Harry Potter closet" for her sewing room, which she shared with the laundry room. How did she do it?!?! So now that 6/7 of the kids are gone there are a few extra rooms in the house. Welcome to the "Sewing Room" -- insert chorus of angels here -- She has waited a long time for this. However it is in dire need of a makeover...
We spent probably 1.5 days just sitting and dejunking. Thank goodness for the hormonal pregnant woman (aka me) who had no sympathy and made Julie part with her beloved fabrics and notions and... things. We got rid of a lot, which was the KEY to making this sewing room functional.
Thank you Real Deals for the perfect metal basket shelf. We needed some major STORAGE!
Everything has a place. It's the most beautiful part.
We hung the rulers on the side of the sewing table - genius!
That dresser though?! <3 so beautiful. And it is FULL of projects for Mom to finally make! You would not believe all the treasures we dug out of this sewing room!
"oh I remember when I bought this!"
"oh so CUTE! I forgot I had this!!!"
I REALLY wish we had a picture of this closet beforehand. It was so over-flowing full that it wouldn't even close...